Friday, September 05, 2008

wake me up before you go-go...

Either I'm super excited to know I start another job today after a four month hiatus, or I love the way my hair looks. Either way, my teeth could use some straightening, but that's beside the point. The sun is already making its way through the fog layer, I must congratulate it for doing such a good job this early in the morning. 

I'm eager to see what working at starbucks actually looks like. You can only hear so many things from others working there until the only way to truly know is to, well, know. And then of course there's interacting with people again and dealing with distraught customer's whose coffee is not perfect. 

But let's not get ahead of ourselves.


Corrigan Vaughan said...

Wow. Gravity just has no bearing on your hair, does it?

James said...

not at all. gotta love waking up realizing that even my hair has a mind of its own.